My 2021 Book List

Another year is underway and have again challenged myself to read 6-12 books over the next ten months. In my post, I have compiled a list of go-to books I look forward to tackling this year. Many of them which I've been wanting to read for some time now. I've also received some great recommendations from my DC friends which I've added to my 2021 book list (all of which have direct links to Amazon).

I know it may be hard to set aside the time to read a book in one sitting, but have found some easy tips that may help manage your time so that you can still have a full day and be able to squeeze in a couple of chapters. I know what it's like to be busy, but have found that making the time to read a chapter or two a day can make all the difference. If you know of any additional books that are a must read, please respond in my comments or insta, otherwise, I hope you enjoy my 2021 book list!

Erica Natal